First observed: 1870 ** (Luther 1979) Taxon: Hydrocharitacea Origin: North America Vector of introduction: ornamental Distribution in the Baltic Sea: Gulf of Bothnia Species status: established Salinity in native habitats: Limnetic (Luther 1951) Salinity in the Baltic Sea: Limnetic (Leppakoski, Olenin 2000; Weidema 2000) Ecofunctional group: macrophytes Ecological impact: benthic-pelagic interaction (Roerslett et al. 1984; Weidema 2000; Karjalainen et al. 2001; Josefsson, Andersson 2001), bioacummulation (Mal et al. 2002; Cecal et al. 2002; Bolsunovskii et al. 2002; Kahkonen et al. 1998), community dominance (Carlton, Scanlon 1985; Weidema 2000; Cohen, Carlton 1995; Riis et al. 2000; Slynko et al. 2002), competition (Wallentinus 2002), food-prey (Weidema 2000), habitat change (De Winton et al. 1996; Roerslett et al. 1986; Roerslett et al. 1984; Weidema 2000; Cohen, Carlton 1995) Impact on uses/resources: -References: Bolsunovskii A.I., Ermakov A.I., Burger M., Degermendzhi A.G., Sobolev A.I. 2002. Accumulation of industrial radionuclides by the Yenisei River aquatic plants in the area affected by the activity of the mining and chemical plant. Radiats Biol Radioecol, 42(2): 194-199.
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Mal T.K. , Adorjan P., Corbett A.L. 2002. Effect of copper on growth of an aquatic macrophyte, Elodea canadensis. Environmental Pollution, 120(2): 307-311.
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