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Pontogammarus robustoides

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First observed: 1962 (Gasiunas 1964)
Taxon: Crustacea
Origin: Ponto-Caspian
Vector of introduction: stocking
Distribution in the Baltic Sea: Curonian Lagoon, Gulf of Finland, Odra Lagoon, Vistula Lagoon
Species status: established
Salinity in native habitats: Limnetic (Birshtein et al. 1968; Dediu 1980)
Salinity in the Baltic Sea: Limnetic (Arbaciauskas 2002; Jazdzewski, Konopacka 2002; Grabowski et al. 2006)
Ecofunctional group: nekto-benthic invertebrates
Ecological impact: benthic-pelagic interaction (Zaiko, Olenin 2004), community dominance (Grabowski et al. 2006; Daunys, Oleninas 1999; Jazdzewski, Konopacka 2000), competition (Jazdzewski et al. 2001; Jazdzewski, Konopacka 2002; Arbaciauskas 2005), food-prey (Bubinas 1996), herbivory (Berezina et al. 2005; Berezina, Panov 2004), hybridization (Dediu 1980), predation (Arbaciauskas 2005; Orlova et al. 2006; Berezina, Panov 2004), transfer of parasites and diseases (Boshko 1994; Balcescu-Codreanu 1974)
Impact on uses/resources: -

Arbaciauskas K. 2002. Ponto-Caspian amphipods and mysids in the inland waters of Lithuania: history of introduction, current distribution and relations with native Malacostracans. In: Leppakoski E., Gollasch S. and Olenin S.(eds), Invasive Aquatic species of Europe - distribution impacts and management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London: 104-115.

Arbaciauskas K. 2005. The distribution and local dispersal of ponto-caspian peracarida in lithuanian fresh waters with notes on Pontogammarus robustoides population establishment, abundance and impact. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 34(1): 93-111.

Balcescu-Codreanu D. 1974. On a new species of Gregarinida with branched syzygies, Uradiophoraramosa sp. n., parasitic on a Pontacaspian amphipod of Romania. Rev. Roum. Biol., Ser. Zool. 19 (2): 79-82.

Berezina N., Golubkov S., Gubelit J. 2005. Grazing effect of alien gammarids on macroalgae in the littoral zone of the Neva estuary (eastern Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea). Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 34(1): 63-82.

Berezina N.A., Panov V.E. 2004. Distribution, population structure and salinity tolerance of the invasive amphipod Gmelinoides fasciatus(Stebbing) in the Neva Estuary (Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea). Hydrobiologia, 514: 199-206.

Birshtein Y.A., Vinogradov L.G., Kondakov N.N., Astakhova M.S., Romanova N.N. (Eds.) 1968. Atlas of Invertebrates of the Caspian Sea. Pishchevaya Promyshlennost, Moscow: 413pp. (in Russian).

Boshko E.G. 1994. A new rotifer species of the genus Encentrum (Rotifera, Dicranophoridae) from amphipods of the water bodies of Ukraine. Vestn. Zool. 28 (6): 74-77.

Bubinas A. 1996. Nutrition of commercial fish in the Kaunas water reservoir. 3. Young roach. Ekologija, 1: 35-42.

Daunys D., Oleninas S. 1999. Bottom macrofauna communities in the northern part of the Curonian Lagoon, south-eastern Baltic Sea. Ekologija, 2: 19-27 [in Lithuanian with English summary].

Dediu I. I. 1980. Fresh and brackish water Amphipods of South-Western part of USSR. Kishinev, Shtiinca: 223 pp. (in Russian).

Gasiunas I. 1964. Acclimatisation of forage crustaceans into the Kaunas waterpower plant reservoir and possibility of their migration into other waters of Lithuania [Aklimatizacija kormovykh rakoobraznykh v vodokhranilische Kaunasskoj GES i vozmozhnost ikh migracii v drugije vodojemy Litvy. Trudy Ak.Nauk Lit.SSR, Serija B, 1(30) (in Russian)

Grabowski M., Konopacka A., Jazdzewski K., Janowska E. 2006. Native gammarid species in retreat and invasion of aliens in the Vistula Lagoon (Baltic Sea, Poland). Helgoland Marine Research, 60(2): (first on-line)

Jazdzewski K., Konopacka A. 2000. Immigration history and present distribution of alien crustaceans in Polish waters. In: von J. C. Vaupel Klein and F. R. Schram (eds) The Biodiversity Crisis and Crustacea. Proceedings of the 4th International Crustacean Congress: 2, Brill, Leiden. Crustacean Issues, 12: 55-64.

Jazdzewski K., Konopacka A. 2002. Invasive Ponto-Caspian species in waters of the Vistula and Oder Basins and the Southern Baltic Sea. In: Leppakoski E., Gollasch S. and Olenin S.(eds), Invasive Aquatic species of Europe - distribution impacts and management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London: 384-398.

Jazdzewski K., Konopacka A., Grabowski M. 2001. Recent drastic changes in the gammarid fauna of the Vistula river deltaic system in Poland caused by alien invaders. In: Symposium on the Occasion of the 80th Anniversary of the Sea Fisheries Institute, Gdynia, 22-23 June 2001, Book of Abstracts, 8-9.

Orlova M.I., Telesh I.V., Berezina N.A., Antsulevich A.E., Maximov A.A., Litvinchuk L.F. 2006. Effects of nonindigenous species on diversity and community functioning in the eastern Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea). Helgol. Mar. Res., 60: 98-105.

Zaiko A., Olenin S. 2004. Impact of invasive benthic crustaceans on the resuspension of bottom sediments: an experimental study approach. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 33(3): 99-110.

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