Data coverage

LME Number of introduction events Number of non-indigenous species
18. Canadian Eastern Arctic - West Greenland22
2. Gulf of Alaska21
20. Barents Sea1513
21. Norwegian Sea3131
22. North Sea1126476
23. Baltic Sea621228
24. Celtic-Biscay Shelf864385
25. Iberian Coastal273207
26. Mediterranean Sea
(Italy data available, other countries data not opened)
3. California Current98
32. Arabian Sea11
36. South China Sea22
42. Southeast Australian Shelf161161
46. New Zealand Shelf126
47. East China Sea11
48. Yellow Sea1313
50. Sea of Japan / East Sea63
59. Iceland Shelf3838
6. Southeast U.S. Continental Shelf11
60. Faroe Plateau77
62. Black Sea519294
63. Hudson Bay Complex66
7. Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf99
8. Scotian Shelf2112
9. Newfoundland-Labrador Shelf188
A1. Macaronesia250187
A2. Caspian Sea3029