Association with vessel vectors

Actual evidence of being found in samples in a particular vector from any world region.

Anchor and anchor chains. Organisms found on anchors, anchor chain or within attached sediments, including anchor chain lockers.

Ballast water. Ballast water means water with its suspended matter taken on board a ship to control trim, list, draught, stability or stresses of the ship.

Biofouling. Biofouling means the accumulation of aquatic organisms such as micro-organisms, plants, and animals on surfaces and structures immersed in or exposed to the aquatic environment. Biofouling can include microfouling and macrofouling.

  • Macrofouling means large, distinct multicellular organisms visible to the human eye such as barnacles, tubeworms, or fronds of algae.
  • Microfouling means microscopic organisms including bacteria and diatoms and the slimy substances that they produce.
Biofouling comprised of only microfouling is commonly referred to as a slime layer.

Sea chest. The sea chests are cavities (an opening with protection grid) at the bottom side of the ships’ hull (an opening for pumping in and out water for, e.g., ballasting, firefighting) where aquatic organisms may settle and be transported.

Tank sediments. Matter settled out of ballast water within a ship.

Bioaccumulation association

Natural toxins. An organism that accumulates toxins naturally produced by other organisms, such as phytotoxins, in its tissues.

Anthropogenic chemical compounds. An organism that accumulates human-produced chemicals, such as pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, pesticides, dioxins, in its tissues.

Characteristic feeding method

Chemoautotroph. An organism that obtains metabolic energy by oxidation of inorganic substrates such as sulphur, nitrogen or iron.

Deposit feeder – Subsurface. Synonym: detritivore. An organism feeding on fragmented particulate organic matter in the substratum.

Deposit feeder – Surface. Synonym: detritivore. An organism feeding on fragmented particulate organic matter from the surface of the substratum.

Grazer. An organism feeding on plants (higher aquatic plants, benthic algae and phytoplankton) and/or sessile animals organisms.

Herbivore. An organism feeding on plants (higher aquatic plants, benthic algae and phytoplankton).

Mixotroph. An organism both autotrophic and heterotrophic.

Omnivore. An organism feeding on mixed diet of plant and animal material.

Parasite. Feeding on the tissues, blood or other substances of a host.

Photoautotroph. An organism that obtains metabolic energy from light by photosynthesis (e.g. seaweeds, phytoplankton).

Planktotroph. An organism feeding on plankton.

Predator. An organism that feeds by preying on other organisms, killing them for food.

Scavenger. An organism feeding on dead and decaying organic material.

Suspension feeder – Active. An organism feeding on particulate organic matter, including plankton, suspended in the water column, collecting it actively by sweeping or pumping (creating feeding currents).

Suspension feeder – Passive. An organism feeding on particulate organic matter, including plankton, suspended in the water column, utilizing the natural flow to bring particles in contact with feeding structures.

Symbiont contribution. Where some dietary component(s) are provided by symbiotic organisms (e.g. Anemonia with zooxanthellae).

Developmental trait

Brooding. The incubation of eggs either inside or outside the body. Eggs may be brooded to a variety of developmental stages. Males or females may be responsible for brooding.

Direct development. A life cycle lacking a larval stage.

Spawning. The release of gametes into the water.

Lecithotrophy. Development at the expense of internal resources (i.e. yolk) provided by the female.

Parental care. Any form of parental behaviour that is likely to increase the fitness of offspring.

Planktotrophy. Feeding on plankton.

Resting stages. The quiescent stage in the life cycle (dormancy, diapause).

Viviparous. Producing live offspring from within parental body.

Habitat modifying ability potential

Autogenic ecosystem engineers. Organisms which change the environment via their own physical structures (i.e. their living and dead tissues) such as corals, oysters, kelps, sea grasses, etc.

Allogenic ecosystem engineers. Organisms which modify the environment by causing physical state changes in biotic and abiotic materials that, directly or indirectly, modulate the availability of resources to other species (e.g. excavating deep burrows which other organisms co-occupy, damming the water flow, etc).

Keystone species. A keystone species is crucial in maintaining the organization and diversity of its ecological community, by determining the types and numbers of other species.

Life form

Neuston. Organisms that live on (epineuston) or under (hyponeuston) the surface film of water bodies.

Zoobenthos. Animals living on or in the seabed.

Phytobenthos. Algae and higher plants living on or in the seabed.

Zooplankton. Animals living in the water column, unable to maintain their position independent of water movements.

Phytoplankton. Microscopic plankton algae and cyanobacteria.

Benthopelagos. Synonyms: hyperbenthic, benthopelagic, nektobenthic, demersal. An organism living at, in or near the bottom of the sea, but having the ability to swim.

Nekton. Actively swimming aquatic organisms able to move independently of water currents.

Parasite. An organism intimately associated with and metabolically dependent on another living organism (host) for completion of its life cycle.

Symbiont (nonparasitic). An organism living mutually with another species without harming it. Association of two species (symbionts) may be mutually beneficial.


Boring. An organism capable of penetrating a solid substrate by mechanical scraping or chemical dissolution.

Burrowing. An organism capable of digging in sediment.

Crawling. An organism moving slowly along on the substrate.

Drifting. An organism whose movement is dependent on wind or water currents.

Permanent attachment. Non-motile; permanently attached at the base. Also includes permanent attachment to a host.

Swimming. An organism capable of moving through the water by means of fins, limbs or appendages.

Temporary attachment. Temporary / sporadic attachment. Attached to a substratum but capable of movement across (or through) it (e.g. Actinia). Also includes temporary attachment to a host.

Native origin

The region the species originates from.


References should follow the standard of Biological invasions:

Journal article
Gamelin FX, Baquet G, Berthoin S, Thevenet D, Nourry C, Nottin S, Bosquet L (2009) Effect of high intensity intermittent training on heart rate variability in prepubescent children. Eur J Appl Physiol 105:731-738. doi: 10.1007/s00421-008-0955-8
Ideally, the names of all authors should be provided, but the usage of “et al” in long author lists will also be accepted:
Smith J, Jones M Jr, Houghton L et al (1999) Future of health insurance. N Engl J Med 965:325–329

Article by DOI

Slifka MK, Whitton JL (2000) Clinical implications of dysregulated cytokine production. J Mol Med. doi:10.1007/s001090000086

South J, Blass B (2001) The future of modern genomics. Blackwell, London

Book chapter
Brown B, Aaron M (2001) The politics of nature. In: Smith J (ed) The rise of modern genomics, 3rd edn. Wiley, New York, pp 230-257

Online document
Cartwright J (2007) Big stars have weather too. IOP Publishing PhysicsWeb. Accessed 26 June 2007

Trent JW (1975) Experimental acute renal failure. Dissertation, University of California

Reproductive frequency

Iteroparous. Organisms breeding more than once in their lifetime.

Semelparous. Organisms breeding once in their lifetime.

Reproductive type

Asexual. Budding, Fission, Fragmentaion, including parthenogenesis. A form of asexual multiplication in which:
a) a new individual begins life as an outgrowth from the body of the parent. It may then separate to lead an independent existence or remain connected or otherwise associated to form a colonial organism;
b) the ovum develops into a new individual without fertilization;
c) division of the body into two or more parts each or all of which can grow into new individuals is involved.

Self-fertilization. Selfing or autogamy. The union of a male and female gamete produced by the same individual.

Sexual. Permanent hermaphrodite, Protandrous hermaphrodite, Protogynous hermaphrodite, Gonochoristic.
Capable of producing both ova and spermatozoa either at the same time. A condition of hermaphroditism in plants and animals where male gametes mature and are shed before female gametes mature or vice versa.
Having separate sexes.


The exact salinity range if known (psu), else salinity zone(s) according to the Venice system:
1. Limnetic [<0.5psu]
2. β-Oligohaline [0.5-3psu]
3. α-Oligohaline [3-5psu]
4. β-Mesohaline [5-10psu]
5. α-Mesohaline [10-18psu]
6. Polymixohaline [18-30psu]
7. Euhaline [30-40psu]
8. Hypersaline [>40psu]


Colonial. Descriptive of organisms produced asexually which remain associated with each other; in many animals, retaining tissue contact with other polyps or zooids as a result of incomplete budding.

Gregarious. Organisms living in groups or communities, growing in clusters.

Solitary. Living alone, not gregarious.

Sub-species level

A geographical subset of a species showing discrete differences in morphology, coloration or other features when compared with other members of the species. Subspecies may also differ in their habitat or behavior, but they can interbreed. Often the lowest taxonomic level within a classification system.


Valid synonyms of a species (not all of them).


Poisonous. An organism capable of producing poison that gains entry to another organism body via the gastrointestinal tract, the respiratory tract, or via absorption through intact body layers.

Venomous. An organism capable of producing poison, usually injected through another organism intact skin by bite or sting.

Not relevant. Neither poisonous nor venomous.

Public domain: Species account

Species Homarus americanus [WoRMS]

Milne Edwards H (1837) Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, comprenant l'anatomie, la physiologie et la classification de ces animaux, 2: 1-532, atl. pl. 1-42, 1-32
Authority H. Milne Edwards, 1837

References (not structured):
Milne Edwards H (1837) Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, comprenant l'anatomie, la physiologie et la classification de ces animaux, 2: 1-532, atl. pl. 1-42, 1-32
Family Nephropidae  
Order Decapoda  
Class Malacostraca  
Phylum Arthropoda  
Synonym (?) Astacus americanus (Stebbing, 1893)
Astacus marinus (Say, 1817)
Homarus mainensis (Berrill, 1956)

References (not structured):
Fabricius JC (1775) Systema Entomologiae, sistens Insectorum Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, adiectis Synonymis, Locis, Descriptionibus, Observationibus: 1-832. Flensburgi et Lipsiae
Sub-species level (?) Not entered
Native origin (?) Ocean: Atlantic
--> Ocean region: NW Atlantic

References (not structured):
Van der Meeren, G, Støttrup J, Ulmestrand M, Øresland V, Knutsen JA, Agnalt AL (2010)NOBANIS – Invasive Alien Species Fact Sheet – Homarus americanus. – From: Online Database of the European Network on Invasive Alien Species - NOBANIS, Accessed 28 November 2011

NW Atlantic from Cape Hatteras, Carolina in USA to Labrador, Newfoundland and Straits of Belle Isle in Canada.
Life form / Life stage (?)
 AdultJuvenileLarvaeEggsResting stage
Symbiont (non parasitic)

References (not structured):
Scarrett DJ (1973) Abundance , survival and vertical and diurnal disrtibution of lobster larvae in Northumberland Strait. 1962-63, and their relationships with commercial stocks. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can. 30: 1819-1824
Van der Meeren G, Støttrup J, Ulmestrand M, Øresland V, Knutsen JA, Agnalt AL (2010)NOBANIS – Invasive Alien Species Fact Sheet – Homarus americanus. – From: Online Database of the European Network on Invasive Alien Species - NOBANIS, Accessed 28 November 2011

Larvae develop through 3 larval stages which resides mostly in the upper 2-3 m of the water column.
The eggs are attachment to the pleopods underneath the tail of the female.
Juveniles which remain in shelter at the water bottom for the next two-three years.
Sociability / Life stage (?)
 AdultJuvenileLarvaeEggsResting stage

References (not structured):
ASMFC (2000) American Stock Assessment and Peer Review Summary Document. Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission

In offshore areas, lobsters (H. americanus) are likely to aggregate in areas with some physical structure, such as a submarine canyon at the southern edge of the continental shelf.
Reproductive frequency (?) Iteroparous

References (not structured):
Talbot P, Helluy S (1995) Reproduction and embryonic development. In: Biology of the Lobster Homarus americanus (Ed. J.R. Factor), Academic Press San Diego, P. 177-216

Smaller females tend to moult and spawn every second year, while larger females can produce egg-clutches two years in a row before moulting the third year.
Reproductive type (?) Sexual

Van der Meeren G, Støttrup J, Ulmestrand M, Øresland V, Knutsen JA, Agnalt AL (2010)NOBANIS – Invasive Alien Species Fact Sheet – Homarus americanus. – From: Online Database of the European Network on Invasive Alien Species - NOBANIS, Accessed 28 November 2011
Developmental trait (?) Brooding

Van der Meeren G, Støttrup J, Ulmestrand M, Øresland V, Knutsen JA, Agnalt AL (2010)NOBANIS – Invasive Alien Species Fact Sheet – Homarus americanus. – From: Online Database of the European Network on Invasive Alien Species - NOBANIS, Accessed 28 November 2011

Female lobsters mate immediately after a moult, build up the internal egg-clutch during the following year, and spawn the next summer.
Fertilized eggs attached to the female's pleopod incubate for a period of 9-10 months.
Characteristic feeding method / Life stage (?)
 AdultJuvenileLarvaeEggsResting stage
Suspension feeder – Active
Suspension feeder – Passive
Deposit feeder – Surface
Deposit feeder – Sub-surface
Symbiont contribution

References (not structured):
Schmalenback I (2009) Studies on the developmental conditions of the European lobster (Homarus gammarus linnaeus, 1758) at the Rock Island of Helgoland (German Bight, North Sea) Dissertation,University of Hamburg.
Fike WH (2004) Lobster Sampling Trap. An Msc. Thesis. B.A. Hartwick College, University of Main, U.S.A.
Van der Meeren G, Støttrup J, Ulmestrand M, Øresland V, Knutsen JA, Agnalt AL (2010)NOBANIS – Invasive Alien Species Fact Sheet – Homarus americanus. – From: Online Database of the European Network on Invasive Alien Species - NOBANIS, Accessed 28 November 2011
Aiken DE, Waddy SL (1985) Environmental Influence on recruitment of the American Lobster, Homarus americanus: a perspective. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 43: 2258-2270
Mercaldo-Allen R, Kuropat CA(1994) Review of American Lobster (Homarus americanus) habitat requirements and responses to Contaminant Exposures. U.S. Department of Commerce. National Technical Information Services, Springfield, Virginia.

The habitat and food preference of the American lobster seems to be similar to the European lobster.
Lobster larvae of Hamarus americanus eat a wide variety of prey types with small zooplankton being particularly important to the first two stages.

Eggs survive the incubation period by utilizing organic food reserves stored within the egg (Aiken and Waddy, 1985)
Mobility / Life stage (?)
 AdultJuvenileLarvaeEggsResting stage
Temporary attachment
Permanent attachment

References (not structured):
Van der Meeren, G, Støttrup J, Ulmestrand M, Øresland V, Knutsen JA, Agnalt AL (2010)NOBANIS – Invasive Alien Species Fact Sheet – Homarus americanus. – From: Online Database of the European Network on Invasive Alien Species - NOBANIS, Accessed 28 November 2011
Katz CH, Cobb JS, Spaulding M (1994) Larval behaviour , hydrodynamic transport, and potential offshore-to-inshore recruitment in the American lobster Homarus americanus. Marine Ecology Progress Series Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. Vol.103: 265-273, 1994

The first three larval stages passively drift with the water current while the fourth larval stage (Post larvae) are active directional swimmers.

Juvenile lobsters are bottom dwellers although swimming has been observed at this stage.
Salinity tolerance range (?) Unknown

Not available.
Habitat modifying ability potential (?) OLD VALUE

Van der Meeren, G, Støttrup J, Ulmestrand M, Øresland V, Knutsen JA, Agnalt AL (2010)NOBANIS – Invasive Alien Species Fact Sheet – Homarus americanus. – From: Online Database of the European Network on Invasive Alien Species - NOBANIS, Accessed 28 November 2011

Ecosystem engineer

Being large and long-lived predators, able to manipulate their environment by digging and shuffling substrate, they might have a long-term modern effect on the ecosystem.
Toxicity / Life stage (?) Not relevant
Bioaccumulation association (?) Unknown

Not available.
Known human health impact? Not known

Not available.
Known economic impact? Known

AquaNIS. Editorial Board, 2015. Information system on Aquatic Non-Indigenous and Cryptogenic Species. World Wide Web electronic publication. Version 2.36+. Accessed 2021-07-23.
Hauge, M. 2010. Lobster found to have shell disease. Lobster found to have shell disease., Norway: Institute of Marine Research.

Stevens, B.G. 2009. Effects of epizootic shell disease in American lobster Homarus americanus determined using a quantitative disease index. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 88: 25-34.

Some individuals have been diagnosed for symptoms similar to epizootic shell disease, which has caused major damage to lobster fisheries (Stevens 2009; Hauge 2010).
Known measurable environmental impact? Not known

Not available.
Included in the Target Species list? Yes

Assessed by the COMPLETE project experts (2021), included in target species list.
Association with vessel vectors (?) Unknown
Molecular information Available

Tarrant AM, Behrendt L, Stegeman JJ, Verslycke T (2011) Ecdysteriod receptor from the American lobster homarus americanus: EcR/RXR isoform cloning and ligand-binding properties. General and Comparative Endocrinology 173 (2011) 346-355
Last update byMonika Pelėdienė, 2022-01-18